Saturday, July 24, 2010

Penis Enlargement Surgery Is Not Safe.

It has been a subject debate in the penis enlargement industry, the issue here is not how effective is penis enlargement surgery but how safe is this method. The penis is a very sensitive organ surrounded by many ligaments with widening and lengthening surgery things might go round as we can see by the close look at all the surgery procedures use to enlarge the penis.

 Re-Fixation of suspensory ligaments - This is the removal of the ligament that suspends the penis and adding to it the extra skin from the abdomen. The added skin make the penis look longer but it comes with problems like the penis resting at odd angle when erect which could be source of embarrassment. This means is not safe for you to adopt this procedure.

  Skin flap reconstruction - What is obtained here is that small pieces of the skin is taken from the pubic area and added to penis to increase its length, this skin sometimes continue to grow hair in their new place thereby making the penis look out of place and unkempt. This is unsafe.

  Penile implants and gels - This involve injecting gels or planting inflated devices into the penis. Sometimes the skin might reject the implants and infection can occur.

  Lipectomy or liposuction of prepubescent fat - Here the extra fat in the pubic region is sucked out and injected into the penis which makes the penis look big. When the body starts to re-absorb the fat, the penis might be disfigured. Another problem associated with this procedure is that it often leads to severe bleeding and might cause infection.

Having stated all the procedures and their effects, it will necessary to say here that penile surgery is not solution to penis enlargement for men with small size penis rather it for the correction of pyronie's disease, cases of micropenis other medically related problems and is not safe to use surgery to enlargement your penis.

Penis enhancement can be achieved naturally without having to distort the penis as designed by Mother Nature. Pills like MaleExtra made from herbs and natural ingredients will help those with small penis achieve their desired penis size in speed time without any side effect. MaleExtra is a male enhancement virility formula that comes with penisHealth DVD and access to penishealth online that will guild you on penis exercises for fast result.

1 comment:

  1. I thing that some men should just get over the issue if they have a small penis and maybe try some Male Enhancement Pills that are made from all natural herbal products. It would also be advised to use a penis stretcher at the same time as using Male Enhancement Pills as the two will work together to help a man increase the size of their penis. Definitely it would be well advised to wearing weights on a mans penis or considering having an operation as there is no guarantee that the effects will be permanent.
